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Video surveillancesystems

Video surveillance systems and video integrations


Today there are many recording systems and devices that allow us to obtain real-time images of the installations or spaces to be protected.

We offer state-of-the-art cameras of all types and of any resolution according to requirements, in order to have an integral control of your facilities.

We divide the cameras into two large groups. Different types of resolutions are offered depending on the characteristics of the place and what needs to be recorded.

We offer cameras for both indoor and outdoor and also with different optics.

The fixed optics puts the focus in a specific area, without changing.

Vario-focal optics allows obtaining different perspectives of a zone and zooming in on objects.

Domo Cameras

Domo cameras have a spherical shape and are normally placed on the ceiling, both in the centre and in the corners. Our cameras have a built-in infrared lighting system at different distances depending on whether they are indoor or outdoor, which can range from 10 meters to 50 meters.

. Head Vision domo cameras also have a built-in detector, so that if they detect an intrusion, they automatically trigger the alarm.

Compact cameras

Distinguishing from the domo cameras especially by the form, these cameras can also go both indoors and outdoors and the focus can also vary from the fixed to the various focal. We also have LIGHTINGPROOF cameras, which have the cover protected to make them immune to solar rays or reflections.

Càmeres Domo

Hidden Cameras

Although not as common as the previous ones, we have hidden cameras that can be hidden inside detectors, watches or other common objects

Circuits tancats de televisió

Closed televisión circuits

In these circuits, the cameras are connected to a digital video recorder and allow live viewing and recording what is happening in the protected spaces.

It also allows you to manage your cameras from anywhere using your portable device, through free applications.

We have both analogue and IP technology video recorders, which allow video analysis and facial recognition.

Different cameras can be viewed at the same time, and VCRs with different capacities can be offered. We have recorders with capacity of 4, 8, 16 or 24 channels.

Càmeres ocultes

Smart video management program

Conect your cameras to our Alarm Monitoring Station with the Smart video management programs.

With your cameras connected to our CRA, we can analyse the images and control the spaces live. The different programs we offer are:

  • Video analysis: Detect the intrusion in perimeters to be protected with the cameras.
  • People counting: Very useful both to control room capacities, manage queues in supermarkets and generate statistics.
  • Recognition of license plates: intended for automatic identification of license plates to facilitate access to premises or to control and alert their presence.
  • Facial recognition: to automatically identify the optimal portraits from the cameras. It allows to integrate it with access controls or to alert the detection of identified and unwanted people.
  • Tracking of people and / or vehicles: allows the tracking of a person or vehicle in motion within the field of vision of the cameras and control all their movements within the installation.
Programa de Gestió de Vídeo Intel·ligent

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